Jake left really early this morning for a business trip in Singapore. I've definitely been looking forward to sleeping in, eating unhealthy food and watching chick-flicks. But now it's evening and the house is quiet. I just finished my breakfast-for-dinner, and something's missing. We haven't been apart this long since we've been together.
No, I'm not talking about my husband. I'm talking about my camera that he took with him. How the heck am I suppose to blog without a camera? Illegally downloading and reusing other people's online images? Well, I guess I do that once in a while...
For example, our friend Lesa told us that a lot of Kiwis eat spaghetti on toast for breakfast. So I gave it a shot (with canned speghetti) tonight, and hey -- it's not half bad. I'd love to show you a pic, but you'll have to use your imagination this time.
But not to worry. I'm sure Jake will come back with some good shots and interesting stories from Singapore. (I've given him specific instructions and threatened him.)
Here's one from the files
So we don't go totally imageless, here's a shot of some sunflowers we bought a couple weeks ago. Here's a shout out to all our Kansas friends! We thought Jake's folks Jim and Adena would especially enjoy seeing them.

Hmm... our wine cabinet looks unusually empty. Good thing I bought a case at the food show last weekend. It should be delivered any day now, and like any good wife, I'll make sure to conduct some quality control measures on it before Jake gets home.
Spaghetti on toast for breakfast? Oi! Make sure that wine is delivered soon so you can chase the breakfast down with a good glass of wine.
BTW, those sunflowers are really beautiful. I bet Jake's parents really appreciate those! Would kind of make them feel closer, even tho you're halfway 'round the world.
Sounds like you have Eek's xmas present already planned.
Or you can go out right now and buy yourself and nice brand new camera and give Jake your old one for xmas. There you go!
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