Greetings from the Cook Islands! Actually we're back now, but I really wanted to share the native greeting along with some photos from our trip. To offer bit of reference, here's a map and some info about these tiny South Pacific islands.

- 16 islands spread over an area the size of India
- Total population is around 16,000
- Annual tourists number around 100,000
- The Cooks have their own language and government, and use NZ currency
- We visited Rarotonga, the biggest and most populated island, which is 20 miles (32km) in circumference
It was a struggle for me to adjust to the new time zone. The Cook Islands are only two hours different from NZ (same time zone as Hawaii) but over the international date line from us. The flight's only three hours, but you add a day going there and lose a day coming back. Good thing Jake was there -- I never had any idea what day it was.

We didn't have an underwater camera, but this little fishy was close enough to the shore for us to shoot him.
I was pretty excited that this was the first time I've actually snorkeled without any floatation assistance -- usually I use a life jacket or something because I've never been really confident in the water. It may sound silly, but this was a real personal accomplishment for me! It was amazing!