Monday, September 27, 2010

Three things we love

  1. Wellington
  2. The Simpsons
  3. The Flight of the Conchords
Our town is getting a shout out in a recent episode that features our favourite New Zealand comedy-folk-rap duo.



Phil said...

You know you've made it when you're asked to guest on The Simpsons.

And to think, six years ago Television New Zealand denied these guys a series on the grounds their comic appeal was "too limited". Bret and Jermaine got the last laugh alright.

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan of the Simpsons since day one. Every few years the show gets into a slump and you wonder whey it's still on. But this year they started off with a great episode. I was laughing at the NZ jokes and thought Bret and Jermaine were really funny.
