Yesterday we had the chance to visit with three girls from Southern California who are on a five-month world tour. From left is Cassandra, Alena and Katie (hope I got all those right). Alena's folks are Tom and Lori in Hawaii, and good friends of Jake's parents. I met Tom and Lori last year when we were in Hawaii for our wedding, and they are pretty awesome. I knew their kids would be the same.

Although I'd never met Alena before, we were happy to have her and her girlfriends over for a walk through Wellington. Highlights of the tour included a slide at a playground...

...Watching some local guys jumping into the harbor (I don't think he was going to jump until four girls walked up) ...

...and of course shopping in the central business district. Too bad it was Sunday afternoon and stores we starting to close.

We had dinner with a couple of Alena's Wellington relatives at a restaurant on Cuba Street called Istanbul -- delicious.

Two weeks ago, the girls started their big adventure in Fiji before coming to NZ. They're going to spend some time now on the south island before flying off to Bali, Europe, Africa, South America and Central America before their trip is through. Amazing! Good luck girls, and thank you so much for stopping by to see us!
Schwing batta batta battaaaaaaaa, Schwing!
Jeromy and Jacob, c'mon! You're both married men. Quit posting on here anonymously.
Whoops...I may have said too much.
Jamie goes to work, and the blog goes silent. See, I knew it! Too busy with that silly work stuff.
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