We're pretty excited about the K-State v. Mizzou game today, but it doesn't look like we'll have a chance to watch it. There's a long shot that it'll be shown at the only American sports bar in town, so I'll have to see if that's an option. For those who may not know, Jake and I are bitterly divided on this matchup -- the poor guy's a Kansas State alum, and I'm a proud grad from the U. of Missouri.
I'm sure we'll read about the outcome online, but we'd love to hear your expert analysis if you have any to offer... and only if my team wins.
We're not too bummed out though, because we just booked our tickets to Chirstchurch! We're heading there for a three-day weekend in early April. It'll be our first trip to the south island and we can't wait! It's a good thing I'm here at home and have the time to scour the travel sites for good deals.
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Google maps hates you.
Yes I think it does! I tried to relink, but it's not cooperating. Oh well, I'm sure you'll recover from the disappointment.
BTW, I'm surprised by the no trash talking. Are you feeling okay?
I think we all knew who was going to win that matchup. The soft hands of the purple lady were no match for the Tigers wrath (not sure what this means ... and i'm not even drinking ... yet).
Rock Chalk! You missed a good Mizzou meltdown.
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