Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Living with a harbour out your window, you become very aware of the harbour traffic. We don't need a tv, as we spend just as much time looking at the water.

A lot of the ships that come and go are familiar by now. You have your harbour ferry, your interislander ferries (two companies) and your container ships. Once in a while we'll see a military ship, and the joke is that the entire NZ Navy has come in to port. We're starting to get cruise boats in again, which is pretty exciting, as they're the largest. And lots of sail boats on the weekends when it's nice out. I snapped this one this morning, but I need to roll on out to work now. It's embarrassing to admit that this beautiful harbour has made me late for work.


Julian Davis said...

Great photo , the clouds are looking puffy . Have a great day!

Jamie Stark said...

I still hate you guys, but only for about 4 more weeks. Then I'll love you again, until I hate you again 2 weeks later when I land in Chicago in the dead of winter.

MP said...

Watching the water is a beautiful and fun thing to do; if you were late to work, well, whatever. Hopefully, your employer will understand.